Bio Free Range 30 Pcs

AED 40.00

We ensure that the feed produced for the nutrition of the chickens is followed up to the egg quality we know we will receive, so that you can consume it safely.

  • M size ( 53 – 62 g),
  • Presented by plastic trays,
  • High Nutritional Value,
  • 6’s, 10’s, 15’s 30’s packs variety.

We are proud to present you the free-range eggs, which we carefully follow every step of the way from the feed content to the production of the chicks to the stage of becoming chicken. One of our main goals is to safely consumption the eggs of farms that meet global production standards and take biosafety measures. With years of experience with companies that have been serving in the poultry and egg sector for many years, we are able to make a difference in the field of eggs.

Our product range for our free-range eggs; 6’s free-range eggs, 10’s free-range eggs, 15’s free-range eggs and 30’s free-range eggs in M size.